"Please Form a Straight Line", group exhibit, Blue Star Contemporary, San Antonio, TX, 2020
2021 Hessler, Rob. "Art on the Air presents Maggie Evans" Art on the Air podcast 8 Sept 2021.
Males, Carolyn. "Maggie Evans: Parallel Narratives." Local Life, Hilton Head and Bluffton, Jan 2021.
MaM Fauerso, Neil. "Please Form a Straight Line (and more) at Blue Star." Glasstire: Texas Visual Art 1 March 2021.
2020 Jonathan Ferrara Gallery, Instagram Artist Takeover, 18 August 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u1cJOpP5tI
2018 Savannah Music: Local and Sustainable, radio interview, host: Dave Lake. https://www.wruu.org/broadcasts/6663/
2017 Nelson, Jennifer. The Woven Tale Press, 30 Nov. 2017
2016 Jenkins, Mark. “In the Galleries: Phantom people make a statement – a beautiful one”. The Washington Post 1 Jan 2016.
2011 “Artist a Day”, June 29, 2011. http://artistaday.com/?p=10426
Carmack, David, “Art Out There”, June 30, 2011. http://artoutthere.blogspot.com/2011/06/maggie-evans.html